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The Services We Provide

Administration of Estates

Navigating the probate process can be overwhelming. Sometimes relatives or heirs are unwilling or unavailable to administer an estate. The court may appoint the Public Administrator to take measures to protect and secure the estate. The Administrator insures that heirs are notified and that claims against the estate and distributions of the estate are properly handled. 735 ILCS 5/13-4


The court may appoint the Public Guardian as the guardian of any adult with a disability who is in need of guardian and whose assets exceed $25,000. Rebecca J. O'Neill typically serves as Guardian of the Estate over these persons, but sometimes also serves as Guardian of the Person. Guardianships over adults are necessary when an adult lacks capacity to make choices and there is no one with legal authority fulfilling the decision making role.

735 ILCS 5/13-5


Guardian ad litem. The court may appoint Rebecca J. O'Neill to serve as Guardian ad Litem for minors or for adults who have lost capacity

to protect those person's rights when those persons have an inheritance interest in property. 755 ILCS 5/20-5

Special Representative

Rebecca J. O'Neill serves as a court appointed Special Representative when a person who is entitled to bring an action dies and the cause of action survives. Some common examples of this are wrongful death lawsuits or automobile accidents that result in death


Rebecca J. O'Neill aslo serves as a court appointed Special Representative when a cause of action is brought against someone who has died and no one has petitioned to open an estate for the deceased. The purpose of this appointment is to insure that cause of action is defended.


735 ILCS 5/13-209



Estate Planning

Estate planning is crucial to ensuring that your assets are protected during your lifetime and distributed according to your wishes following your death.  It is an important tool in protecting those you love. 



Small Estate Affidavits

Attorney O'Neill will meet with you to determine whether probate of an estate is necessary.  Often probate can be avoided by using  a Small Estate Affidavit and other legal tools. 


Guardianships of

Guardianships over adults are necessary when an adult loses capacity and has not previously signed documents which give others power to make choices for them.  Sometimes guardianships can be avoided even in these circumstances.  Rebecca O'Neill is a legal scholar on surrogate decision making and can guide you about your best alternatives.



A will is an important piece in estate planning.  You control who who has power to handle your estate following your death and you specify who gets what. 



Durable Powers Of Attorney

Designating an agent in a  durable power of attorney helps ensure that your financial affairs will be managed and your health care decisions will be made by the person you choose and according to to your wishes should you become unable to make and express your own



Deeds & Transfer on Death Instruments

Transferring property can be a complex process.  People need to be aware of tax consequences and other matters when transferring property.   Rebecca O'Neill can advise you and prepare a deed or transfer on death instrument to help ensure a smooth transfer of ownership.



A Trust is customized to manage your assets during your lifetime and following your death to ensure that your needs and your family's needs are protected.  Some Trusts are also designed to meet Special Needs of persons with disabilities.


Guardianships of Minors

Guardianships over children are necessary when a child has no one with legal authority fulfilling the role of parent.  Grandparents and other caregivers are often appointed to serve this role through this court process.


Probate of Estates

The probate process can be overwhelming, but Rebecca O'Neill is here to help. She can advise you when probate is necessary and navigate you through the process ensuring that your loved one's affairs are properly managed and their assets are distributed according to their wishes. Contact us today for more information.

Insuring Justice 
for Southern Illinois 


118 E Union Street

Marion, Illinois 62959

Tel: 618-751-1753

© 2024 by Rebecca J. O'Neill Attorney at Law


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